Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Special Day...

Yesterday we celebrated T-man's 7th Birthday. Wow, how the time has flown by!! I thought I would start out by sharing with you a poem I wrote for my little man when he was about a year and a half (I started a tradition when my oldest was 18 mts to write a simple little poem for each of them, they are printed and framed and hang on their bedroom wall)
Baby Steps and Pat-a cake
Wheels on the bus
Boogie and shake
Big Bright Eyes
And a sly toothy grin
When did this little
Personality Begin?
Soft wet kisses and cookie crumbs
A sweet tiny voice that calls out "Mum"
Perfect blond ringlets
Halo his head
A soft touch to the ear
And it's time for bed.
I set up a little spot on my desk with his birthday cards, cake, and pictures of him to look at.

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